Fields of application PeniMaster
PeniMaster and PeniMaster PRO for plastic-cosmetic and therapeutic treatment of the penis
The penis expanders PeniMaster and PeniMaster PRO can be worn on the penis for plastic-cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. The elongation treatment can be a workout for the penis and may stimulate the formation of new body cells within the penis during long-term application.
Plastic-cosmetic fields of application PeniMaster
- Penis enlargement
- Penis elongation
- Penis thickening (enlargement of the penis circumference)
- Penis straightening
- Enlargement and shaping of the glans (glans penis)
- Recovery of foreskin (only PeniMaster)
Therapeutic fields of application PeniMaster
- in the case of Peyronie's disease, Induratio penis plastica (IPP, palpable induration in the penis), and strong inherent penis curvature
- in the case of retractive penis (retreating/shortening) penis
- after urological operations
- after prostate removal
- upon operative penis elongation or penis straightening
- at a greater age due to decreasing sexual activity and hormonal adjustment
- due to overweight
- after urological operations
- in the case of ejaculatio praecox (premature ejaculation)
- in order to improve the erectile function and the sexual desire (libido)