The PeniMaster PRO Basic glans fixation for penis enlargement in sectional view
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PeniMaster PRO Basic

PeniMaster PRO Assembly

In its delivered condition PeniMaster PRO is ready-to-operate. Replacing the wear parts is a matter of seconds only.


Optionally insert split adapter

Illustration regarding the insertion of the split adapters into the PeniMaster PRO base


Installing the adhesion diaphragm

Illustration regarding the process of putting on the diaphragm over the glans chamber of PeniMaster PRO


Connecting the sluice ring and the sluice

Illustration with arrow representation regarding the assembly of sluice ring and sluice


Attaching sluice to glans chamber

Illustration regarding the attachment of the entire sluice system to the glans chamber

Video: PeniMaster PRO assembly

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