MSP Concept is sponsor for the
REHEMA Centre Medical in Goma / Congo
As a manufacturer of urological medical devices, we know from MSP Concept how important is a good medical care for patients. That's why we support the humanitarian project Rehema Central Medical for people in poverty in Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) in Central Africa.
Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. med. Gottfried Lemperle is built in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the border with Rwanda in the city of Goma a hospital, the Rehema Center Medical. Around 100,000 inhabitants of the 2 million metropolis have no access to medical care due to poverty and die of diseases such as angina, diabetes, burns or benign tumors.
MSP Concept GmbH & Co. KG supports the Rehema Center Medical monthly with a financial contribution in the amount of the content of two nurses in the Hospital. All donations are fully beneficial to the construction, expansion and operation of the clinic. This will be z. As medicines, medical aids, operating rooms and medical professionals financed.
About the initiator of the Rehema Center Medical, Prof. Dr. med. Lemperle
Professor Dr. Gottfried Lemperle was honored for his extraordinary services in the field of plastic surgery 2010 with the Dieffenbach Medal of the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and is the carrier of the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class. He is founder of the non-profit association Interplast Germany e. V., which since 1979 in developing countries on patients suffering from physical malformations, perform free corrective operations.
More info about the Rehema Center Medical: www.gomahospital.com
Also donate for the Rehema Center Medical!
Even small contributions can cause great! Your donation will be fully used for project development, construction and operation of the hospital - 1 Euro donation is available as 1 Euro Help! If your address is specified, you will gladly receive a donation receipt.
For your immediate donation with PayPal: click here
Donation account for the Goma Hospital by bank transfer:
Account owner: Interplast-Goma-Hospital
Subject: Spende Goma-Hospital
IBAN: DE06 3705 0299 0000 6809 54
Bank: Kreissparkasse Köln